TOPICS 1. Don’t just speak, be heard by Taryn Botha & Martha Lydall (Speech-Language Therapists) 2. A day in the life of a toddler by Henriette Selley (Playsense Playschool Owner, Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Science and Post-Graduate Certificate in Early childhood development) 3. Big emotions by Mariette van Eeden (ECD Principal) 4. Supporting children through their early development by Tamryn Paulsen (Occupational Therapist) Duration: 3 Hours * Copyright is held by the presenter/author/owner. * Please note that the online conference material was recorded during a live conference which might influence the sound etc. ACCREDITATION: HPCSA: Currently no CPD points since accreditation expired 31 December 2024 SACE: 5 CPTD Points
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